REVICO: treatment and recovery of Cognac by-products

REVICO was born out of the common will of the players in the Cognac sector to offer the best technologies for processing vinasse. Unique in France, it employs 40 people with complementary skills. In 2009, the REVICO – Énergies Vertes branch was set up to recover biogas produced by the methanisation of vinasse. Since 2019, REVICO has been ISO 14001 certified for its environmental management.

White Charentais grapes for Cognac

50 years

serving the Cognac industry


REVICO: 3 main areas of expertise

Aware of the impact that untreated vinasse could have on the natural environment, the Cognac industries decided to create a treatment facility dedicated exclusively to this effluent. Since 1969, REVICO has been operating on the basis of 3 major areas of expertise.


The processing of effluents from the distillation of Cognac is carried out in 4 major steps.

Research & Development

Continuous innovation by our R&D team

Every year, the R&D team tests innovative processes in the laboratory, on a pilot or semi-industrial scale, in a number of strategic areas for the entire Cognac sector.

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